
Weekend Writing Warriors 4/5/15 #8Sunday

New month, new story. For April I’ll be pulling from a fun historical short story (possibly novella?) I hope to have out this spring; “Spice Pirates.”

Rosamaria’s sick brother just wants to be a pirate, so she enlists the help of her friends Origano, Clovio, and Anisa to take him on a pirate adventure. But then the REAL pirates show up….

* * * * * * * * * * *

Origano’s ship arrived in the harbor at midmorning. There was nothing auspicious about it; nothing to portend that fortune and disaster would fall on the town or that the lives of its most prominent families would soon be irreparably altered.

The ship was an average merchant vessel: a bare-bones crew collected from ports around the world; cargo of varying worth from those same ports that they hoped to sell for enough of a profit to reach the next port, or at least enough to buy an evening of much-needed debauchery; a dozen or so passengers; and Origano.

He hopped off the gangway onto the dock, a satchel over his shoulder, a straw hat jauntily on his head, and a spring in his step. He’d made it safely across the ocean and was now free in the New World, with no overbearing family to tell him what to do or what to be. Free to find his destiny.

His stomach rumbled. Before his destiny, he must find lunch.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Post a link to your eight sentences blog entry, or join the fun at the Weekend Writing Warriors website.


  1. You’ve fleshed out the whole scene so well and now we wait to see what adventures or misadventures are in store for the the young man. I picture him, so cute and unaware.

  2. Interesting start to the tale and I’m with Charmaine – disaster MUST be about to befall this guy. Great snippet!

  3. Origano sounds like an adventurer and I can’t wait to see what he does–after he fills his belly. LOL Great 8! Tweeted.

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