As I sit here waiting for my first shipment of The Lone Wolf to be delivered to my house (UPS’s website tells me it’s currently “out for delivery”), I’m still kind of amazed that I have a published novel. I started writing it in February 2010, so it’s been quite a long journey from initial scene (which actually didn’t even end up in the final draft) to the book (almost) in my hand.
I’ve had a ton of help with it, especially from my great editors at Evolved Publishing. Lane Diamond and Mishael Witty pored over my manuscript for five months, getting rid of superfluous proper nouns and I-bombs.
Both Mishael and Lane are also writers, and I highly suggest you check out their books.
Lane also has several short stories available: “Devane’s Reality,” “Paradox,” “The Well-Suited Sentry,” and “Wind Tunnel.”