I’m gearing up for the launch of my first novel, The Lone Wolf, in just a couple weeks. I’ve already made a book sell sheet, which I gave area booksellers when asking them to sell my book. It had all the information they needed to order my novel from their supplier.
I’m also planning some giveaways: a Rafflecopter contest here on my blog, a day to interact with my publisher’s street team on Facebook, something at this week’s NaNo write-in, and who knows what else.
And just this weekend, my The Lone Wolf bookmarks arrived! It took me about an hour or two to design them, and I’m really happy with how they turned out. I plan to give them out like candy. :D
Want one? Add The Lone Wolf on Goodreads, and then use the contact link above to send me your address and a link to your bookshelf.
And make sure you keep checking back, because there’ll be a lot going on between now and launch day on December 2nd!