
I got this covered

As I’ve mentioned several times, I’m currently in grad school, working on a master’s of social work. The program I’m in is great, but it’s basically a professional program, and while there are a couple research classes, it’s generally pretty light on methodology and stats and all that fun stuff. I’m strongly leaning towards a doctorate in educational policy, and so I’ve decided to do the optional thesis (also, because I love research papers).

I recently met with my thesis committee. I have two of the profs for class this semester, but I’d never met the third prior to our meeting.

We fleshed out my brief proposal outline (PTSD and educational response to intervention in socioeconomically-disadvantaged high school students), and the third prof expressed concern that I’d be writing the lit review without first taking any graduate-level writing classes.

“I was first author on a couple academic articles I published with a professor as an undergrad, and my thesis won the psych department’s award for best senior thesis.”

She nodded.

“As for creative writing,” I continued, “I have a novel coming out in December.”

Everyone stared at me. “A novel?”

“And, uh, I’ve had almost two dozen short stories published.”

They all smiled and agreed that yeah, I have the writing part of the thesis covered. Now to just do the actual research and hope my proposal gets past the review board next year.

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