
Creepy advertising

I’m a pretty quiet, reserved person until you get to know me well.  And along with that, I really dislike being hit on. No, I mean that. I’m not comfortable with pick-up lines or compliments from people I don’t know well.

So imagine my horror when I set up a newsletter with MailChimp, and the primate at the top of the screen greeted me with this:

Followed on the next screen by this:

which included a link to a YouTube video of a gorilla Phil Collins.

Not cool, MailChimp. Not cool.

Nonetheless, I’m going to continue using them for my newsletter, which I plan to send out to notify people of new releases and big shiny special news. If you want my updates, please sign up!


  1. How … huh. I’m not sure what to say to that.

  2. The humor is somewhat off. Er..I think it was an attempt at humor. :-)

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