I’m participating in the May Story a Day challenge (write a story a day), and while looking through some half-written stories to work on this month I found this novella, “The Secretary,” about a girl who develops an unhealthy fascination with her boss.
In this scene, it’s her first day of work at a huge firm. She’s running late, and so of course she gets bumped, drops her purse, and loses its contents all over the place. A handsome stranger helps her pick things up.
“Is this yours?” he repeated, smiling at me. His teeth were white and even. Of course, a gorgeous smile for a gorgeous guy. I looked at his hands and turned beet red, I’m sure. He was holding the book I’d been reading on the subway, a trashy bodice-ripping romance novel. Why couldn’t I have grabbed Hemingway, Joyce, something that made me look smarter?
“Um, yeah, that’s mine,” I said as I took it from him. “It’s, uh, for a friend.”
Post a link to your eight sentences blog entry, or join the fun at the Weekend Writing Warriors website.
I’m wondering if he’s her new boss? That would be embarrassing then, especially if the book had one of those tacky, Fabio style covers. Great beginning to a story.
LMAO, I love this. I totally sympathize with her. Who hasn’t been caught with their romance novel in a public place and been embarrassed haha. Great job!
Funny in a chick-lit style. Good eight.
Enjoyed the snippet – great description via actions – and I love her lame excuse at the end — so transparent! (and I do bet this handsome hunk is her boss). Nicely done!
BAhaha…busted! Nice.
Oh as if he’s going to believe the “for a friend” line LOL. Fun excerpt!
Nice try on the line honey. That was very realistic. :) Who hasn’t had one of those moments, right? Nicely done!
History Sleuth’s Writing mysteries
*laff* Oh, we shy ones do that! Great snippet, ED. I love how real your characters are. You’ve got a talent for that.
Oh, that was a good one. Cute and funny. I actually snorted at the last line.