
M is for Mary Efflandt Photography/cover reveal #atozchallenge

Day M of the 2013 Blogging from A to Z April challenge. Today’s topic: Mary Efflandt Photography.

My best friend from middle and high school is a photographer who graciously made the cover of my upcoming short story collection, The Futility of Loving a Soldier, which will be released Memorial Day.

I told her what I wanted: a kid dressed as a soldier waving a flag. She took the concept and did a fantastic job with it.  And now every time I see this cover, I get super excited about my book!


  1. I like it as well. Courier isn’t my favorite font, but I like the variation on here, and it makes me think of all the war correspondents of the world wars. Looks professional.

  2. Great photo. I think it fits the title and the sentiment I am guessing you want to convey with your book.

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