
September StoryADay update no. 1 #storyaday

It’s about halfway through the September StoryADay Challenge.

I’m not sure why I even bother with these challenge things.  So far, I should have 14 stories.

I have 7.

Two written from scratch, although one needs to be expanded.

2 already-started stories finished, although one needs to be expanded.

1 I’m cheating on: it’s a 7-part story (alternating narrators), and for the purposes of this challenge I’m counting each section as a story.  I’d already written one section, and I wrote a second.

1 story started and about 1k in.  Based on the depth of the plot, this might turn into a novella – probably at least 10k when I’m done with it, maybe 15k.

And 1 nonfiction essay, written as an example for a writing test.

Conclusion: I need to get my butt in gear.

If you’re doing the StoryADay Challenge, how’s it going?

1 Comment

  1. Oh come on! That’s seven stories you probably wouldn’t have had. And a fire under your rear that you definitely wouldn’t have had ;)

    Keep up the great work. I can tell you there are plenty of writers out there who envy you the progress you’ve made!

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