A few weeks ago, I announced I’d be taking a break from blogging and writing for awhile, as I tried to settle my life.
Although I’m still unemployed, I’ve pretty much settled into new digs – staying with my dad for awhile. My son just started kindergarten, my dad’s off at work during the day, and his girlfriend has moved into her own place, leaving me hours of uninterrupted time to focus on writer stuff.
Also, I’m happy to announce that my flash story “The Business Trip” has been published by the fledgling Free Flash Fiction, and response to it has been good (okay, any response to a story I write is good, but this one seems to be striking an empathetic nerve in a lot of people).
So in celebration of being back, and having a story accepted, this weekend I’ll be offering another short story, “Tim and Sara,” for free on Kindle.

The victim of debilitating flashbacks, Tim is content to spend the rest of his life at Kirkbride, a state mental hospital. But his friend and fellow resident Sara is concerned that she has to save her soul before it’s too late, and so she devises a plan to break them out of the hospital. Can Tim help his friend while holding onto what’s left of his sanity?
It’ll be free Saturday, August 18th, through Monday, August 20th. Get it, read it, review it, and tell your friends!
Glad to see you back! :D