

Heartsbane Saga: fairy tales…with Vikings!

Welcome to a world of sassy heroines, adventures spanning the medieval world, and a touch of romance

The Diarassia: interconnected speculative fiction short stories

(coming soon-ish)

Whenever he thought we weren’t looking, Grampa’s gaze would trace the diarassia’s distant path. So when he passed and everything hurt, I had to follow it, away from my grief. For days it led me straight, past fields and forests and solitude. Over the mountains that had always been just a smudge on the horizon. But once past my little world’s boundaries, the diarassia changed. It was no longer two lines; it became four paths, eight, fifty, thousands. I’ll follow them all. For Grampa.

The Suburban Hedgewitch: a cross between cozy mysteries and urban fantasy

(coming soon-ish)

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