The weather outside’s near freezing, and my space heater is pleasing. Since we’ve no place to be, win a book for free, book for free, book for free!
Every day from now until Christmas, I’ll be giving away copies of my books (digital AND print), Amazon gift cards, and book-related stuff. A new chance to win, every day!
December 1st: ebook of “Not My Thing” short story
When The Dancing Freemasons embark on their first major tour, Jeff’s dreams of being a rock star have come true – until he can no longer connect with the music. One night after a show, he meets a woman who might be the one to get the music flowing again, but is the cost worth it?
Simply leave a comment below by midnight CST, and I’ll randomly pick a winner!
And check back every day for a chance to win new stuff!
That’s great. Awesome advent calendar <3.