
Weekend Writing Warrior 1/24/16 #8Sunday


Outside a house in a rural southern Indian village

For January’s Weekend Writing Warrior posts, it’ll be random excerpts from random stories.

Today’s is from “Weekend,” another story based on my trip to India a couple years ago. We visited a village where everyone seemed to be like Akoy, even the mayor.

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Akoy steals a glance at the clock on his office wall: 4:08. The meeting with his client was supposed to be over by now; he was supposed to be on the road by now, but his client was running late – “Traffic,” his excuse every week. Akoy always wants to ask him why he doesn’t leave earlier if he knows he’ll always have this problem, but he’s just a junior clerk and his client is a Very Important Person who wouldn’t listen to him.

Finally the client stands, and Akoy hurries to his feet too. He reaches over, shakes the client’s hand, and ushers him into the lobby, and then after typing up a few quick notes, Akoy shuts off his computer and hurries out to his motorbike.

The open highway stretches before him, beckoning him home. The wind caresses his skin, bringing him scents of home, and the cows along the road low greetings to him, reminding him where he belongs.


* * * * * * * * * *

Post a link to your eight sentences blog entry, or join the fun at the Weekend Writing Warriors website.

If you’re a writer, sign up to be a Friday Five author, which gets you and your latest work featured on my blog.

And then sign up for my mailing list to get a FREE ebook short story, “A Place to Die,” about a guy in hospice who’s in denial about his illness.


  1. Really fascinating. This snippet provides a great sense of place and person!

  2. Great description. I get a sense of Akoy. I am left to wonder what waits for him at home.

  3. I’m with Christina – the snippet made me feel as if I was there. Excellent excerpt and I can’t wait to find out what he’s rushing home to.

  4. He’s rushing home to his loved one. That’s what life is all about. It is in my home.

  5. His client isn’t very considerate, but then we’ve all known people like this.

  6. Oh, I hate people who are always late! And people who think they’re too important to be polite.

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