As you may know, I’m currently in grad school. Next May I’ll be getting my MSW with an endorsement in school social work. This fall I start a PhD program in social work, with a concentration in education policy and program evaluation.
Last Friday was my last day at the day job I’ve had for the past eighteen months, because on Tuesday I started a year-long internship in a local school district. I’ve only been doing it two days, but it already feels great to be back in the schools. I lucked out and got a placement at the alternative junior high/high school and another school with a high refugee population – exactly the kids I like working with.
Another plus is that I might actually have some free time! My internship is three days a week, and my classes (two content courses and 2 every-other-week seminars) are only on Mondays and Wednesday evening. I’m teaching three sections of a computer lab one day every other week, leaving me a whole day free every other week.
I’m sure I’ll get busy, but as of right now, it’s looking like I’ll have more time for writing than I’ve had in awhile. Maybe I can knock out some of my annual goals before things get hectic.