Stupid time change, but at least that means it’s spring, right?
From my debut novel, The Lone Wolf. Kasey has ducked back into her house to talk to her husband, and when she returns she couldn’t find her 6-year-old daughter anywhere. Panic is setting in.
She wasn’t hiding in the car either; perhaps she’d gone back inside. As I fished my keys out of my purse, the sound of giggles drifted out from the front flowerbed. Huge hydrangea bushes lined the front of our house, the pale blue blossoms perfuming our yard. Tulips in vivid reds and pinks overflowed in front of them, adding their fragrance.
And their laughter. I smiled as my heart rate dropped.
“Looks like my hydrangeas ate a little girl,” I said in a loud voice. “I wonder if I can buy another one at the farmers’ market?”
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“Looks like my hydrangeas ate a little girl,” I said in a loud voice. “I wonder if I can buy another one at the farmers’ market?” <– I love that! Really nice snippet today, ED!
Perfect description of a mom looking for her small child. I felt her fear and relief. Beautiful snippet.
Beautiful description and I love the last line. Great snippet;).
Worst feeling in the world, to think your child has wandered off! I LOVED the resolution, that she was in the hydrangeas. Just an excellent snippet, ran me thru the whole range of emotions.
What a sweet eight! I love it!
I’ve known how that fear can grip you and like this character the sudden relief afterwards. I adore her sense of humor so that her child never sees the fear.