Happy Holidays, everyone!
Christmas is a season of giving, and what better way to show your support for your favorite authors than giving back to them? There’s one guaranteed way to demonstrate your appreciation for their books –
Write them a review!
Reviews are the currency of the book world, more so than sales, because reviews are often used as a way to get in on marketing opportunities. Many promotions, for example, require at least 10 Amazon reviews before you can participate (even many paid promotions). And reviews can let other readers know that a book is worth reading. These in turn lead to more sales, which generate more reviews, which lead to more sales….
The reviews don’t need to be five stars – while appreciated, authors like to get any feedback about their work. They like to know that their stories are being read, as well as what worked and what didn’t so they can incorporate it into future stories.
So this year, as you finish reading all the new books you got for Christmas, take a moment to write a review for the author and post it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Goodreads, your blog, Facebook – wherever you can. The writing world thanks you!