For June, I’m pulling from my horror/paranormal universe stories. This week, it’s from a still untitled story about Sara from “Tim and Sara” and Alec from “The Kindness of Strangers.” It takes place before either of those stories.
In this scene, Sara is talking to her twin brother Levi, who kind of takes care of her, about her new job.
“Work is going great,” Sara gushed.
“Great for you, or great for a normal person?”
Sara ignored me and continued, “The best thing is that I met a guy and we’re going to have a baby.”
My fork clattered onto my plate; I was used to the crazy stuff she said, but this was out there, even for her. “A baby?”
“That’s the only logical thing when you love someone, and I am nothing if not logical.”
I snorted.
“It’s not my fault you don’t understand logic, Levi.”
Post a link to your eight sentences blog entry, or join the fun at the Weekend Writing Warriors website. And make sure you get a copy of my short story, “Not My Thing.” It’s currently free at Smashwords and Barnes and Noble (Amazon is still dragging their feet with the permafree thing, but you can get a Kindle version at Smashwords).
Sara is certainly an interesting person! I feel sorry for Levi. Great eight.
Yeah, Levi certainly has to put up with a lot from his sister.
Great snippet! Sounds like she’s got more surprises for her brother.
Sara is full of surprises! She keeps me guessing most of the time too.
Twins! Sara and Levi are not quite a matched set. There’s a lot of humor here.
OK, wow, I’d be dropping my fork about then too. Interesting snippet!
She considers that logical?
When you have paranoid schizophrenia, I think your idea of logical is a whole lot different than everyone else’s.
lol! Loved it. Great dialogue and reactions. Totally felt like I was eavesdropping on their convo. :)