
Weekend Writing Warriors 8/4/13 #WeWriWa

Today’s excerpt is again from my novel-in-progress, A Handful of Wishes, about a kid, Zeke, who has a wish-granting genie, Paribanu. In this scene, eight-year-old Zeke is being chased by a gang of bullies. He darts into a second-hand shop, and the shopkeeper invites him to stay.

Zeke followed the man past the suit of armor and into the back room that was just as cluttered as the rest of the shop. Books were piled almost to the ceiling, and several workbenches were covered in tools and various odds and ends. Against one wall leaned dozens of paintings, watercolors of distant lands and garish carnivals, scenes of animals with eyes so lifelike they seemed to watch the viewer, and portraits of disappointingly ordinary people.

Zeke looked around in amazement. “What is this place?”

“Please forgive my poor manners,” said the shopkeeper. “My name is Cornelius Zwyklychski, and I am a repairer of dreams.” He bowed, sweeping his arm out in a small flourish.

Post a link to your eight sentences blog entry, or join the fun at the Weekend Writing Warriors website.


  1. Ha! Well I didn’t expect him to say that, but it fits so nicely! As always, you have very clear visuals and still leave some room for personal interpretation. Really nice excerpt.

  2. Repairer of dreams! That’s the most awesome job title ever.

  3. Oh how unusual, a repairer of dreams. A clever idea. Nice visual on the scene too.
    History Sleuth’s Milk Carton Murders

  4. Love the descriptions in this snippet. It’s so visual that I could really picture it! I love the line about Cornelius being the repairer of dreams and can’t wait to see where this leads!

  5. Fun! I want to know what kind of magic will happen next! I can picture the crazy clutter in the shop, and the boys wide eyed look of wonder.

  6. Description was excellent, I’m dying to go visit that store! Terrific snippet from so many perspectives.

  7. Everyone has a dream or two that’s been damaged by life’s disappointments. The store sounds fascinating–I bet there’s an interesting story about the ‘disappointingly ordinary’ portraits…

    Just curious, how do you pronounce that last name?

  8. Great description of the shop. Sounds like an interesting story. Excellent eight.


  9. I love the introduction. Nice 8.

  10. Awesome description. Also, I love the title.

  11. Your description made me want to curl up in an armchair there and just read books :) Awesome excerpt!

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