Day H of the 2013 Blogging from A to Z April challenge. Today’s topic: handwritten.
Generally I type the first draft of all my stories. I’m most creative from about 10 pm to 2 am, and I’m home in front of a computer during that time, so it’s not an issue.
However, my second most-creative time is about 9-11 am (during which I’m at work). My job has some slow periods during which I can read, but I’m not sure how well it would go over if I started writing on the computer.
So for times like that, and when I’m hiding out at my favorite writing spot, I write everything out by hand. I also jot down notes by hand if something comes to me and I want to get it down before it’s gone, because although I have a great app on my phone, GNotes, that syncs up with my gmail account, it’s a pain to have to tap out a story with a touchscreen keyboard.
Which method do you generally use when writing?
I agree; handwriting is great for those little moment here and there, like when you’re waiting for something. It also provides an an extra level of editing when you transfer your handwritten work to a digital format.