Today’s six are from a story I wrote in May as part of the StoryADay Challenge, and have slowly been working on for the past few months. It’s about a guy, Daniel, reflecting back on his relationship with a woman named Mira.
Daniel releases the tight hold he had on his bag, wipes the thin line of drool from his face. His head whips around as he checks to see if anyone has noticed his wet face, but no one meets his eye so he considers himself safe.
Mira was good about that too; whenever he did something embarrassing, like drool in his sleep or spill wine on his shirt, she never pointed it out. He could always tell she noticed by the way she stared straight at the spot, but she never said anything.
Of all the things he misses about her, he thinks that might be one of the biggest: the little things that she let slide. And of all the things he regrets most about her, about what happened, he thinks the biggest is not letting those little things slide too.
Post a link to your six sentences blog entry, or join the fun at the Six Sentence Sunday website.
Interesting how you miss the little things when they’re gone.