Day 23 of the Blogging from A to Z April challenge. Today’s topic: writing goals (topic kindly stolen from Jessica Loftus).
At the beginning of the year, I set myself some resolutional goals (making up words was not one of them).
One-third of the way through the year, and with summer break fast approaching, it’s time to reevaluate and revise.
- Get an agent (which means stop picking at my novel and just send it out already).
I’ve sent out queries, and this weekend I’ll send out more.
- Finish my already-started novel, A Handful of Wishes.
Ain’t happened. I’m on chapter 10 and got sidetracked. But I’m focusing on this novel with a writing group on Scribophile, so hopefully that’ll be the impetus I need to get going.
- Have at least fifteen stories out on submission at any given time – currently I’m at nine.
I was lucky enough to have a string of publications recently, so right now I’m at five out. I have six half-written stories I’d like to finish, as well as several that need some tweaking. If I can get them out soon, I’ll be able to meet this goal as well.
If you’re a writer, what are your goals for the next few months?
I haven’t been writing much because I dedicated most of my time to the challenge but starting may, I’ll plunge into my new mystery novel and I’m hoping I’ll be writing about 2-3000 words/day. We’ll see if that comes to fruition.
From Diary of a Writer in Progress
I want an agent! (Hey, guess what? I’ve had a partial request and two fulls!!!)