Day 2 (Day B?) of the Blogging from A to Z April challenge. Today’s topic: books. Specifically, how many I don’t have anymore.
Three years ago, I had thousands of books. Yes, thousands (sadly, I couldn’t find a picture of my bookshelves from back then). I worked in a bookstore in college and took advantage of my employee discount. I shopped clearance racks. I loaded up at library book sales.
And this is my bookshelf about a month ago (the bottom shelf is cookbooks):
I still love to read – and I’ve been reading a lot more voraciously this year than the past couple years – but after moving over a dozen times in a dozen years, all those books get heavy. So I’ve started relying more on the local library. I’ve lucked out because my town’s library is part of a system of probably 40 different ones in the area, and it’s super easy to go online and request any book I want, because chances are they’ll have it somewhere so that I can not only borrow it, but pick it up from whichever branch I choose.
What about you? Are you moving to ebooks? Use the library? Or trying to build your own library at home?
I used to really look for books, but never really had the budget to buy many. Now, with three plus two kids, we use the library one to two times per week. I love it. My daughter and I both got e readers this Christmas past too, so that’s been a new good experience also. I think everyone agrees that the book on the shelf and in our hand still looks and feels better :)
I have so many books; I do thin them out but it is hard for me to get rid of a book/books I love. Our library sells used books, Oh no. . . more books to buy for very little. I will be following your blog. A fellow book-lover!