According to Duotrope, the submission tracking website I mentioned last month, my acceptance ratio for the past 12 months is 33.33%, which is “higher than the average for users who have submitted to the same markets.” I’ve sent in 17 submissions since January, although just one for this month (but I’m about to throw another one into the shark tank any day). I have 8 pending submissions. I’ve had 5 rejections since I started sending stuff out, and 3 acceptances. I have a list of 20 places I want to send stuff, half of which have actual written stories attached to them.
I seem to be doing okay for someone just starting out, although ideally I’d like to have 10 pending pieces at any time. I’d also like to stop procrastinating and finish the dozen half-written stories I have lying around. And get my novel edited enough to send it out to agents. And then of course finish the novel that’s in line behind it. This just never ends. :)
What about my fellow writers out there? What are your goals, and how are your submissions going?
Well I don’t have as many subs as you but I have a few out there. My real goal is to finish one novel. The little bits are easy for me to do, I’ve proved to myself I can write anything from flash to novelette size. I need to tackle at least one of my unfinished novels.
That’s my goal this year. :)