
My roommate

Yesterday was a typical day. I arrived home from work.  Loaded up my car with the tires I’m getting put on today (it being mid-May and two weeks since the last blizzard, I’m fairly confident it’s now safe to remove my snow tires).  Skyped with the kid.  Took a three hour nap.  Woke up.  Played on the internet and did a bit of writing.  Went to bed.  Woke up in the middle of the night and had a lovely conversation with my roommate about her new dog.  Went back to sleep.  Woke up several minutes before my alarm went off and remembered, I live by myself.

So, three possible things happened.

  1. I dreamed it all, but in my very realistic dream I happened to be lying in my bed wearing the exact same pajamas I wore last night, in the dark, at 12:03 (I distinctly remember looking at the clock).
  2. I hallucinated it. 
  3. Someone broke into my house (I often forget to lock the door; it’s North Dakota, for God’s sake), came into my bedroom, and had a conversation with me about her new dog.

Either way, I am very confused today.

1 Comment

  1. Very disturbing. Supposedly, you can’t read clocks in dreams so I guess 1 is out. Not sure which would be better: 2 or 3?

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