It’s been awhile since I’ve participated in WeWriWa! This week, I’m posting a micro story I wrote for a contest on a writing critique site I use.
The prompt was, “Shootout at the the Alrighty Corral.” My story is titled, “Return of the Revenge of the Resurrected.”
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“Yeah, I’m hideous,” I told the sympathetic barkeep, “but I didn’t ask to be like this.”
He nodded.
I knew he didn’t care, was just being professional, but alcohol made me loquacious so I continued, “All I wanted was acceptance and love; is that so wrong?”
“So maybe I kinda murdered his girlfriend, but I still maintain he deserved it.”
The clock outside chimed noon.
“He didn’t die on that boat, you know. He faked his death so I’d leave him alone, but it didn’t work. I tracked him here, and now….” I slammed down my glass and went out to meet my maker.
* * * * * * *
Post a link to your eight sentences blog entry, or join the fun at the Weekend Writing Warriors website.
And if you’re a writer, sign up to be a Friday Five author, which gets you and your latest work featured on my blog.
Well that was cool – we came in on the middle and we left before the story ended but we sure got a good feel for the character and what was going on! Welcome back, great snippet!
Whoa, intense. I wonder if he is going to get in her way.
I don’t think it’s going to end well for any of them.
Kinda murdered his girlfriend . . . Now THAT’s an interest grabbing line! What a quirky cool excerpt. I’m intrigued!
Dang, well that was intense. That whole “murdered girlfriend” bit came out of nowhere haha. Nice job!
This is kind of a sequel (hence the title, “Return of the Revenge of the Resurrected”), so the murdered part was a key sticking point between the characters in the original work. But yeah, not usually something someone admits to!
Loquacious doesn’t begin to cover it! Admitting murder (or at least what could be understood as murder) to a bartender isn’t wise.
If you figure you’re probably going to die soon anyways, what’s the harm in running your mouth about your past? :)
A lot going on in just a few sentences!
What about the girlfriend? Did she deserve to die?
Welcome back! Great scene! :D
I LOVE super-short stories. Excellent piece!
Would definitely like to read this entire story. Intriguing snippet!